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Writer's pictureMuskan Verma

Blue And Green

Wed. 8/21/2019

Blue and Green

My colours aren’t mine anymore

The sands of time

and my indelible footprints

are old- honestly, overdone.

Imprints no longer matter

to people like us.

A simple rhyme scheme

no longer matches

people like us.

How much longer will I,

and you

keep holding out for faded memories?

of old lessons-

Drills, drilled into my very fabric

-and old ways that

would’ve mattered- once, not anymore.

How much longer will us,

hide within the holy coif

only to claw out a scary


Close your eyes, be weary


unfaded blinding lights,

scorching, you won’t matter

as you burn into people

like us.

Maybe, a new population

keeps it going:

Where old lessons and

simplest rhythms are alive


Amateurishly written

childish sounding,

I am way above

your words,

-your exuberant, ornamental, eclectic

dictionary words.

I am so above them that I

don’t even know what they mean.

Someday you will too.

And old rhymes will not

be much to take pride (in)

And old times will seem

unimpressive, too easy to write

Your meter will change

So will your rhyme

Your vanity, remained

No more, old


But my words

still find origin in the same rotten


where worlds degrade-

make more fuel, more finite energy

It’s become harder to mine

for it

The resources are scarce

And the pills and chemicals

have changed the very

primordial, broken and twisted


It keeps them * stable,

keeps the world alive and breathing

but the dreams have ceased

to be- as have the nightmares

And the scarcity of resources,

the prosperity, a plastic “civilization”

is pushing us closer towards

the apocalypse.

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